Produced and directed by Deepak Shivdasani and given by Pahlaj Nihalani, Julie two is associate future movie industry heroic tale slated to unleash on Oct vi, 2017. The film stars Raai Laxmi, Rati Agnihotri, Sahil Salathia, Aditya Srivastava, Ravi Kishen, Pankaj Tripathi and Nishikant Kamat in key roles. The film unfolds dark secrets of movie industry and exposes the naked truth of the Underworld and Politics
Julie 2 | Theatrical Trailer | Pahlaj Nihalani | Raai Laxmi
Produced and directed by Deepak Shivdasani and given by Pahlaj Nihalani, Julie two is associate future movie industry heroic tale slated to unleash on Oct vi, 2017. The film stars Raai Laxmi, Rati Agnihotri, Sahil Salathia, Aditya Srivastava, Ravi Kishen, Pankaj Tripathi and Nishikant Kamat in key roles. The film unfolds dark secrets of movie industry and exposes the naked truth of the Underworld and Politics
Parchi Official Trailer | Hareem Farooq & Ali Rehman Khan
Cast: Ali Rehman Khan, Hareem Farooq, Ahmed Ali Akbar , Usman Mukhtar , Shafqat Cheema ,Mah e Nur, Shafqat Khan Directed by: Azfar Jafri...
Fukrey Returns is part send of movie Fukrey, This movie is fun and hilarious. After four years this fukrey gang returns to hit the b...
Firangi Kapil Sharma second movie. The main concept of this movie, it is an old historical drama set in the year 1920 being directed by...
Padman is the extraordinary story of a man who wants to change the mentality of the Indian society on sanitary towels, first low cost ...