Firangi Kapil Sharma second movie. The main concept of this movie, it is an old historical drama set in the year 1920 being directed by Rajeev Dhingra. The film stars Kapil Sharma, World Health Organization is additionally the producer, together with Ishita Dutta and Monica Gill. The film was extensively shot in geographical area and Rajasthan.
Whenever there is an argument in life, lovers face all the challenges and truth prevails. Here is the official trailer of Firangi, You can see this movie in cinemas on this month 24th November 2017.
Firangi Movie is directed by Starring Kapil Sharma, Monica Gill, Rajiv Dhingra, Edward Sonnenblick, Kumud Mishra, Inaamulhaq, Ishita Dutta, Aanjjan Srivastav, Vishal O Sharma Rajesh Sharma, and Jameel Khan & Music by Jatinder Shah.
"Saheba Russ Gayi" titled song has recorded by Fateh Ali Khan which is officially revealed for the film. The song has an especially a dramatic role by Neha Bhasin and Shafqat Amanat. Unplugged version song by Kapil Sharma he agreed to sing on 24 September.
"Saheba Russ Gayi" titled song has recorded by Fateh Ali Khan which is officially revealed for the film. The song has an especially a dramatic role by Neha Bhasin and Shafqat Amanat. Unplugged version song by Kapil Sharma he agreed to sing on 24 September.